Wednesday 4 April 2012

To Blog or not to Blog?

To Blog or not to Blog?


That is the question that has been troubling me. To Blog or no to Blog? To exist in a digital world or not to exist. To become relevant in an age of fleeting relevance or to disappear into obscurity .

Every night as my husband snores and my daughter gently coos beside me, my mind tries to untangle the knot that is my thoughts and attempt to drift into sleep.

As I try to drift to sleep I recall my day. Then I dream of what tomorrow holds. I make and finalize plans for tomorrow. Then I realize I need to rest, then I try to relax and sleep but I begin to think of all I still want to accomplish in my life.

I want to:  

-read more books
-study more subjects
-travel more places
-do more shopping
-create more dishes
-take more photos
-make more art
-listen to more music
-spend more time wit my daughter
-enjoy my husband
-listen to more stories
-meet new people
-try new things, etc...

and then I ask myself "Should I blog?" (more specifically should I write)
Would this be a platform to ignite my passions and dreams?

Well considering the frequency at which I ask my self this question, I think I have to. Also I should cease asking myself questions; avoid awkward looks from strangers. Maybe another hint to the answer I have given this question is this exact blog entry on today April 2nd, 2012, my future 1 year blog anniversary. Yay to me!

I would love to right here --> begin to tell you exactly what my blog will be about, but I cannot, and neither can I make apologies for that. All I can do is say welcome to my adventure through life,and I hope to inspire anyone who needs to be inspired; entertain anyone needing entertainment.

I look forward to this adventure; chronicling my life and sharing all that is Candice. 
Welcome to my blog great to meet you hope to see you around.



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